
Kezako ?

Debouncing enforces that a function not be called again until a certain amount of time has passed without it being called. As in "execute this function only if 100 milliseconds have passed without it being called."

Perhaps a function is called 1,000 times in a quick burst, dispersed over 3 seconds, then stops being called. If you have debounced it at 100 milliseconds, the function will only fire once, at 3.1 seconds, once the burst is over. Each time the function is called during the burst it resets the debouncing timer.



The demo works as follows:

  1. Ask the user to type something
  2. The user is typing
  3. When the user stops typing, disable the input and inform the user.
  4. After a short period of time, reset the demo.

How to use ?

  1. Store the Debouncer instance in your model
// Model definition
type Model =
    { Debouncer : Debouncer.State
      // ...

// Model initialization
let init () =
    { Debouncer = Debouncer.create()
      // ...
  1. Register the message dedicated to the Debouncer
// Msg definition
type Msg =
    | DebouncerSelfMsg of Debouncer.SelfMessage<Msg> // This is the message used by the Debouncer
    | ChangeValue of string // Message trigger each time the user type in the input
    | EndOfInput // Message we want to debounce
  1. Handle DebouncerSelfMsg in your update function
let private update msg model =
    match msg with
    | DebouncerSelfMsg debouncerMsg ->
        let (debouncerModel, debouncerCmd) = Debouncer.update debouncerMsg model.Debouncer
        { model with Debouncer = debouncerModel }, debouncerCmd

Please note we don't need to use over debouncerCmd because it return a Msg directly

  1. Bounce EndOfInput each time the user types something in the input
let private update msg model =
    match msg with
    | ChangeValue newValue ->
        let (debouncerModel, debouncerCmd) =
            |> Debouncer.bounce (TimeSpan.FromSeconds 1.5) "user_input" EndOfInput

        { model with UserInput = newValue
                     State = State.IsTyping
                     Debouncer = debouncerModel }, Cmd.batch [ DebouncerSelfMsg debouncerCmd ]

Debouncer.bounce parameters:

val bounce:
   delay       : TimeSpan        -> // Delay before trying to send `msgToSend`
   id          : Debouncer.Id    -> // Id used to identify the message in the debouncer. This is useful if you want to debounce a different message
   msgToSend   : 'a              -> // The `Msg` to send
   currentState: Debouncer.State    // Current debouncer state
              -> Debouncer.State * Cmd<Debouncer.SelfMessage<'a>>