Auto decoders use reflection to generate the decoders at runtime.

To avoid having to regenerate the decoders every time you run you need them, you can use the helpers with the Cached suffix instead.

The cache is dependent on the caseStrategy and extra parameters. If you need different case strategies or extra parameters, you need to create as many caches.

The easiest way to use the cache is to add some helpers in your code and use them in the rest of your application.

// Build your extra coders if needed
let myExtraCoders =

// Note the helpers must be inlined to resolve generic parameters in Fable
let inline myDecoder<'T> = Decode.Auto.generateDecoderCached<'T>(caseStrategy = CamelCase, extra = myExtraCoders)
let inline myyEncoder<'T> = Encode.Auto.generateEncoderCached<'T>(caseStrategy = CamelCase, extra = myExtraCoders)

Now you can use this helper when you need to decode a type:

type User =
        Name : string
        Age : int

let userJson =
    name: "Geralt de Riv",
    age: 92

Decode.fromString myDecoder<User> userJson

// Ok { Name = "Geralt de Riv", Age = 92 }