
When using auto API, you have a very limited control over the JSON representation.

Case strategy

You can decide which case strategy you want to use:

  • PascalCase (default)
  • CamelCase
  • SnakeCase
type Device =
        EquipmentId : int
        SerialNumber : string

let myDevice =
        EquipmentId = 5862
        SerialNumber = "1452-48-4298"

Encode.Auto.toString(4, myDevice)

// Returns:
// {
//     "EquipmentId": "5862",
//     "SerialNumber": "1452-48-4298"
// }

Encode.Auto.toString(4, myDevice, caseStrategy = CaseStrategy.CamelCase)

// Returns:
// {
//     "equipmentId": "5862",
//     "serialNumber": "1452-48-4298"
// }

Encode.Auto.toString(4, myDevice, caseStrategy = CaseStrategy.SnakeCase)

// Returns:
// {
//     "equipment_id": "5862",
//     "serial_number": "1452-48-4298"
// }

When decoding the case strategy is also respected.

    "equipment_id": "5862",
    "serial_number": "1452-48-4298"
    caseStrategy = CaseStrategy.SnakeCase

// Returns:
// Ok { EquipmentId = 5862; SerialNumber = "1452-48-4298" }

    "EquipmentId": "5862",
    "SerialNumber": "1452-48-4298"
    caseStrategy = CaseStrategy.SnakeCase

// Returns:
// Error
// Error at: `$.serial_number`
// Expecting a string but instead got: undefined

Skip null fields

By default, optional fields are not included in the JSON representation.

type Response<'T> =
        Code : int
        Data : 'T option

let response =
        Code = 200
        Data = None

Encode.Auto.toString(4, response)

// Returns:
// {
//     "Code": "200"
// }

If you want to include the Data field, you need to set skipNullField = false

Encode.Auto.toString(4, response, skipNullField = false)

// Returns:
// {
//     "Code": "200",
//     "Data": null
// }

Extra coders

The auto APIs, accept an ExtraCoders objects which is used to extends or override the supported types.

In order to minimize the impact on the bundle size, Thoth.Json don't include out of the box support for the following types:

  • int64
  • uint64
  • decimal
  • bigint

If you want to use them, you can add them to the ExtraCoders object.

let myExtra =
    |> Extra.withInt64
    |> Extra.withUInt64
    |> Extra.withDecimal
    |> Extra.withBigInt

Encode.Auto.toString(4, 86UL, extra = myExtra)

// Returns:
// "86"


By default, primitives are represented the same way as they are when using the Manual API.

See Manual API - JSON representation - Numbers for more information.

If the default is not what you want, you can override them by using the extra argument.

let customIntEncoder (value : int) =
    Encode.object [
        "type", Encode.string "customInt"
        "value", value

let customIntDecoder =
    Decode.field "type" Decode.string
    |> Decode.andThen (function
        | "customInt" ->
            Decode.field "value"

        | _ ->
   "Invalid type for customInt"

let extra =
    |> Extra.withCustom customIntEncoder customIntDecoder

Encode.Auto.toString(4, 42, extra=extra)

// Returns:
// {
//     "type": "customInt",
//     "value": 42
// }


Records are represented as JSON objects.

type User =
        Name : string
        Age : int

        Name = "Geralt de Riv"
        Age = 92

// Returns:
// {
//     "Name": "Geralt de Riv",
//     "Age": 92
// }

Tuple with no arguments

Tuple without arguments are represented as a string containing the case name:

The case name respect the CompiledName attributes if provided.

type Language =
    | FSharp
    | [<CompiledName("C#")>] CSharp

Encode.Auto.toString(4, Language.FSharp)

// Returns: "FSharp"

Encode.Auto.toString(4, Language.CSharp)

// Returns: "C#"

Tuple with arguments

Tuples are represented using JSON arrays where the first elements is the name of the case followed by as much elements as the tuple arguments.

type MenuElement =
    | Label of label : string
    | ExternalLink of label : string * url : string

Encode.Auto.toString(4, Label "Introduction")

// Returns:
// [
//     "Label",
//     "Introduction"
// ]

    ExternalLink (
        label = "Fable",
        url = ""

// Returns:
// [
//     "ExternalLink",
//     "Fable",
//     ""
// ]

Option type

In current version of Thoth.Json the option type are erased.

This means that:

  • Some 42 is encoded as 42.
  • None is encoded as null.

This means that nested option types support is limited.

If you have a nested option like (int option) option.

Then you can't differentiate if 42 is for Some 42 and Some (Some 42).

The same goes for null and Some None or None .


Classes support need to be added case by case via the extra argument.

This is because Fable offer a limited reflection API and classes are not supported.

type Point(x : int, y : int) =

    member __.x with get () = x

    member __.y with get () = y

module Point =

    let decoder : Decoder<Point> =
        Decode.object (fun get ->
                get.Required.Field "x",
                get.Required.Field "y"

    let encoder (point : Point) =
        Encode.object [
            "x", point.x
            "y", point.y

let myExtra2 =
    |> Extra.withCustom Point.encoder Point.decoder

        Point(1, 2),
        Point(3, 4)
    extra = myExtra2

// Returns:
// [
//     {
//         "x": 1,
//         "y": 2
//     },
//     {
//         "x": 3,
//         "y": 4
//     }
// ]